


All materials contained on this site, including text, graphics, icons, still and moving images, or any other material, is the property of Kaplan Corporation dba Kaplan Construction or its content suppliers and are protected by United States copyright laws. The compilation of all content on this site is the exclusive property of Kaplan Construction. You may not reproduce, modify, distribute or republish materials contained on this site (either directly or by linking) without our prior written permission. You may not alter or remove any trademark, copyright or other notice from copies of content.

A special thanks to the following contributors whose talented work appears on our website:

Adams & Smith Architects
Boehm Architecture
Chuck Choi Architectural Photography
Dorchester Bay Economic Development Corporation
Ed Wonsek Artworks
Fine Associates
Frank Monkiewicz Photography
Hajian Architects
Handlin, Garrahan and Associates
Joseph St. Pierre Photography
Josh Kuchinsky Photography
Matt Simpkins Photography
Mike O’Donoghue
Neil Alexander
The North Parish of North Andover
Parametrik Studios
Porter Gifford Photography
Powerhouse Living, LLC
Rafael Gamo
Reagan Byrne Creative
Regan Wood Photography
Rhino Public Relations
Robert Benson Photography
Robyn Ivy Photography
Rosemary Fletcher
Sabrina Balound
Sam Kaplan Photography
Samara Vise Photography
Schwartz/Silver Architects
Sebastian Mariscal Studio
Shelly Harrison Photography
Shupe Studios
Tina Liu Photography
University Club of Boston

All images are copyrighted and may not be reproduced without written permission from the copyright holder.

Website designed and implemented by Guarino Design Group and Cyclone Interactive Multimedia Group.